Friday, December 23, 2011

Fun doll games!

I just thought I'd post a few fun little games hop you enjoy!

1. Find the spelling of doll with only one L.
2. how many times does this pattern repeat?
Felicity, Felicity, Lanie, Molly, Molly, Julie, Felicity, Felicity, Lanie, Molly, Molly, Julie, Felicity, Felicity, Lanie,  Molly, Molly, Julie.

3. Combine  all of your doll's names together! ( if don't have any use names you like. )
EXAMPLE: this is mine Lanfelmesar. funny right
The doll lover,

1 comment:

  1. 1. The 16th one is dol. 2. 3 times. 3. Emelizity. Emily,elizabeth,and felicity.


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